
Tuesday, October 19

What is "moderism" in art? Is art produced today "modern" or, is it given a different name?

All class members are to have answers to these questions on Mon., 25 Oct., 2004.

[Postscript: Please use the comments section at the bottom of each post for your comments, questions, and/or additional ideas discussion. Thank you.]


  • In general, class responses were poor. Students should not be heading through their education uninformed about the issues surrounding the practice of art form. Even if students are not majoring in the topic of a course in which they are currently enrolled, it is encumbent upon them to have an informed understanding of the general context and, dialogue currently in circulation.

    If I am enrolled in paleontology I know I need to, at the very least, review paleontology journals for current information.

    That means using the library becomes an even more important resource for its huge offerings of professional journals and periodicals. FAU's library is full of art and photography publications.

    Next assignment will be given on Monday, 1 November, 2004.

    By Blogger artist shabaka, at 12:26 PM  

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